Now that the season has finished for all teams, here is a run down of our plans for the next month...
A couple of quick notices
1) There has been a great response to the AGM with every team well represented, but if you haven't responded yet let me know ASAP if you are coming along and would like the free curry!
2) If you haven't received a teamer this morning for tomorrows training it's probably because Teamer has had a refresh and it has gone into your spam folder - please let your email client know that teamer isn't junk mail (no matter what your personal opinion may be!)
3) Can you teamer if you are joining in the tournament on the 13th May (it will be sent in just a minute!) as Andy has kindly volunteered to organise it and he needs to know numbers to sort out the teams.... will "Team Lay" be defending their Christmas title?
4) If you have left it late to enter the Doubles and Triples tournament at Southwick you need to get the money and form to Em on Tuesday - this is the final deadline! Also we will be having a raffle to raise money for the club at the Doubles and Triples, if you have anything you would like to contribute that would be marvellous, please pass it to Me, Em or Andy.
5) Nearly forgot this one - if you haven't already heard from your team coach or secretary regarding the Sussex Cup on the 15th June you will soon! Please respond quickly as we need to let the organisers know how many teams we will be entering!
Ok, this should be (fingers crossed) my last email for this season, so I just want to say a big thank you to all the coaches and secretaries for doing a great job organising your teams and fixtures it has made my job so much easier. Also thanks to all the volunteers who stay and line, score and officiate and take all the stick for the "dubious decisions"!