Wednesday, 12 March 2014

AGM and key messages

As we are approaching the end of the season we are starting to make arrangements for the Club AGM, the details are below along with a few other bits and pieces... 

Annual General Meeting
We will be holding the Worthing Volleyball Club AGM on Tuesday 6th May.  It will follow the format of previous years and will be held in the Function room at John Selden Pub, Half Moon Lane, BN13 2HN. 19:30 - Meet in the bar for a drink.20:00 - There will be a choice of two free curries for all paid up members or an alternative for those that don't want a curry.20:30/21:00 - The AGM will be held were we report on this year and consider arrangements for the next year (League entries, subscriptions etc)The meeting will include various awards for the year, some serious and some just for fun. Then more drinking! To help ensure we order enough food and can start thinking about next year can you let me know1) Whether or not you will be attending the AGM2) Would you like the curry or an alternative3) Do you want to play in the indoor league next season (September 2014 - April 2015) 

This year we have tried communicating more through social media including Facebook and Twitter rather than sending out a constant stream of emails.  The blog has had regular match reports for the majority of teams as well as publishing all the key messages including that weeks fixtures and training details.  We have continued using teamer for arranging training and games (for those of you with smart phones there is a free app which simplifies responding further).  All of this has reduced the volume of emails. How have you found this? What have you found useful or enjoyed and is there anything you would like to see more or less of?  

Sunday 15th April
There is a single header game at the High School starting at 20:00 (Devils vs Brighton Teela) can anyone help out lining, scoring etc?  We will have social games between 18:00 and 20:00 a teamer will follow shortly. 

Beach League
We have been talking about starting a beach league at the Worthing Sand courts on aWednesday evening 18:30-20:30.  The format would be mixed teams of three. For this to take off it would require 7-12 teams can you let me know if you would be interested in taking part?  Cost would be around £2.5 - £3.5 per week per person depending on the number of entries.  This will be an open league with hopefully entries from all the local clubs, but as we are the biggest and most local I expect that the bulk of the teams would have a Worthing player in it! 

Club Kit
If anyone would like one of the Club hoodies can you let me know what size you want and if you would like your team and/or nickname/name on it those details too.  The hoodies are about £15 and there is a small additional cost for printing your name.

Competitions dates
Sussex Cup 15th June 
This is a one day tournament that is free to enter for teams registered with the Sussex League.  Teamers will go out nearer the time but save the date!

For the top two teams in the Ladies and Men's 1 divisions.  Devils can you save the date and hopefully Vipers will be representing Sussex again this year.  Andy Crockett try not to book a holiday on the 31st May...Just saying!31st May Men1st June Ladies

Doubles and Triples
This is a fun competition run by the club which should hopefully help towards keeping the cost of our monthly fees down and give you an enjoyable day or two's volleyball.  Use the facebook group page or spread the word about if you are looking for a team mate!  If you need a hard copy form I have a few, so catch me at training.

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